
We are ready to help you take each step through the enrollment process, make any necessary on-campus appointments or help you with a question you may have. Apply now and we will help you with the rest!

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Ready to Apply or Enroll to 银河app苹果版? Follow these steps to jumpstart your life!

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银河app苹果版's admissions requirements

银河app苹果版 has an open admission policy, which means all students who apply for admission are accepted to all of the 银河app苹果版 colleges (special admission programs may have additional requirements for acceptance) and Online.

Students who want to enroll at 银河app苹果版 have several avenues that lead to admission: a high school diploma, a High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) that certifies the equivalency of high school graduation, home-school graduation, or transfer. International students are also welcome on the 银河app苹果版 campuses.

In some cases, those who are 18 and older and who have not yet graduated from high school or completed a HiSET may be admitted as special students. During their first term, the college limits them to 12 credit hours and then re-evaluates their status during subsequent enrollments. 

Students under 18 may be admitted if their application is approved by the appropriate college official.

Ready To Start Your Future?

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